Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Commission The Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Commission of the Diocese of Florida is committed to the vision of Becoming Beloved Community. Created by Bishop S. John Howard in 2020, during the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Commission began its work in earnest in 2022. Within our Diocese, there are multiple initiatives toward racial healing and reconciliation: Sacred Ground and other study and dialogue circles among our parishes related to racial healing, collaborative efforts with other groups, and other holy work – all of which have contributed toward truth-telling about race, proclaiming the dream of Beloved Community, practicing the way of healing love, and repairing the breach in society and institutions. An important outcome of the Diocese of Florida’s 180th Annual Diocesan Convention in November 2023 was the passage of the Becoming Beloved Community Resolution submitted by the Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Commission. Presented in the spirit of our Baptismal Covenant, wherein we have promised to strive for justice and peace among all people, to seek and serve Christ in all persons, to love our neighbor as ourselves, and to respect the dignity of every human being, the resolution affirmed the importance within the Diocese of work advancing racial healing, reconciliation, and justice. The resolution, in summary: Condemned any form of past or current discrimination based on race, religion, ethnicity, or culture by the church, Encouraged clergy and laity to learn about the effects of slavery, segregation, and discrimination on themselves and others and to share stories about their learning, Commended participation in programs such as Sacred Ground, toward racial healing, and Expressed support for the Diocesan Anti-Racism and Reconciliation Commission and authorized and directed the Commission to determine how best the Diocese can by a “repairer of the breach.” Much more work toward racial reconciliation needs to be done within the Diocese of Florida. May the Diocese of Florida continue in its journey of increasing realization of Becoming Beloved Community. Co-Chairs: Joe O’Shields Email Doug Milne Email Paul Arrington Email Upcoming Events N/A